Monday, 15 September 2008

I live with BOYS

Yes, it's finally dawned on me. We're talking football, poker, beer, and dust bunnies the size of my head. Well, maybe my foot. They do a surprising amount of dishes, actually (though they couldn't hold a candle to Jake). I'm pretty much okay with it all: had a lot of practice with this kind of stuff living in the dorms my sophomore and junior year at Beloit. Let's just say I know my way around a good pair of earplugs. I mean, we're talking connoisseur-level. Anyway, I like how down to earth we are with one another, and as the proclaimed (they called me this) "lady of the house," I get a lot of space as necessary. Scott was raised in North Carolina, so he's got this southern-gentleman gene going on, and Josh is just an (unadmittedly) sensitive person. So that's my flat-thought I'd give a general impression of my everyday living situation. Off to class.

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