Sunday, 8 February 2009

Phone calls and new flats

So Lea just moved into her new flat and is very refreshed as to have a clean...everything. The posted photo is an example of cleanliness in the kitchen, wherein her flatmates actually wash their dishes. I know, epiphanies abound. This flat is way more her speed: airy, light, bez gross/hloupy (without gross/stupid) roommates. Bonus: no lettuce in the bathtub (for those made out of the loop by the last statement, let's just say that the plumbing in her old flat was...questionable). Anyway, I think I speak for everyone privy to Lea's flat saga when I say the new place is dobre (good).

In regards to the other photo I posted today, I thought I'd just give a visual of a. my room and b. the general phone-saga situation (re: sitting on the radiator, petting the cat). I think Scott found the entire marathon phonecall situation rather entertaining, so he took took my picture. As always, Charlie the cat is happy to get the extra attention lent by any extended event (i.e. international phone calls). Unfortunately for Charlie, we've significantly improved our phone call frequency, thanks to skype's cheap cell calls feature, so he only gets about 15-20 minutes of couch/radiator time with me while I talk with Mom n Dad :(

Speaking of Charlie, though he is certainly loved, he is also certaintly on the top of all of our bad lists, having had peed on all our beds at least once (mine the most, of course). Sooooo we're gonna start shopping this week for a vet who will neuter him, as our current vet says he needs to be at least 3-4 months older than he is now, which is just silly (he's around 5 1/2 months now). I'm pretty sure Aunt Leta would agree: 6 months old is old enough. Believe me: this is hormonal. Not pleased. Bad kitty.

So that's life in Praha right now. Still building my work schedule, getting busier and busier and very happy about it. Will update shortly:)

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