Sunday, 5 April 2009

It's park time!

Woooooo! We had our first afternoon lazing around at the park yesterday, and it was super-fabulous. Tons of people everywhere, an equal number of dogs to match the human population; sitting on blankets, rollerblading (and padded up to the nines--this is the Cesky Republiky, no cutting corners here). This is Letensky Sady every Friday-Sunday afternoon from now till October. I am in heaven. Yesterday was a girl's day, as the boys are in Amsterdam this weekend for Bill's bachelor party. I will be satisfied with a safe return on that front.
In other news, my life seems to be revolving around babies. I just got a new 'student' (he's 2 1/2), and his mom just found out she's pregnant with twins. My friend Phil's wife just had a baby girl about two weeks ago, my other friend Jeremy's wife is pregnant, and Scott's brother's wife is having a baby in about a month...Ježišmária.
The interesting thing about babies in the Czech Republic, however, is the sheer IMPORTANCE of the situation. Czech women have a very real obligation to have babies these days: it's basically the equivalent of our post-war baby boom in the 50s, only this is post-communistic, and a little longer after the fact. Anyway, anything differing from the exact, normal paradigm of the entire childbearing/birth process is considered a HUGE RED FLAG of some major problem. Even one miscarriage is grounds for a special gynocological once-over to find out what the 'problem' is. These poor women...
Hummm that's all I have for now. Happy spring!

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